<![CDATA[neoTerra - Blog]]>Thu, 16 Jan 2025 03:17:22 -0500Weebly<![CDATA[Health Care Apocalypse]]>Thu, 05 Dec 2024 19:10:31 GMThttp://neoterra.us/blog/health-care-apocalypseAssassination
Yesterday morning, United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson was assassinated in broad daylight in Midtown Manhattan.
  • The story has some relevance to me because Humana dropped Medicare coverage in my area and I was forced to join United Healthcare.  I am not optimistic.

Unfortunately, Brian is being vilified by Conservatives and Progressives, alike, so we will never really know what kind of man he was.   I doubt that he was a saint ... but I don't believe he deserved to be gunned down in the street in New York.

I find it incredibly hypocritical that anti-2A, lefty Progressives like Taylor Lorenz are publicly celebrating this murder.   Shouldn't Law Enforcement be paying her a visit for condoning and advocating violence??

Evidence suggests that the assassination was motivated by dishonest healthcare.  Three of the spent, 9mm shell cases were inscribed with the words "Delay", "Deny", "Depose".

It is believed this is a reference to a 2010 book titled "Delay Deny Defend" that exposed dishonesty and corruption in the healthcare industry.  Of course that is a plausible motive ... but it could also be a clever distraction from the real motive.  The killer remains at large and NYPD remains incompetent.


In the very best twist of Clown World irony,  Anthem  (Blue Cross, Blue Shield) announced that they would no longer pay for anesthesia if a surgical procedure took longer than they arbitrarily defined.

In other words, if ya wake up on the operating table with your intestines hanging out in indescribable, horrific pain, you have to pay for the additional anesthesia. Your middle-eastern Suni surgeon is arguing with your Christian-Lebanese nurse  and your non-binary, shaved-head anesthesiologist is shoving a clipboard in your face for signature (a bloody thumbprint will do).

If ya can't pay, they'll shove a rawhide doggy chew toy in your mouth ... like back in the Civil War.  For a small extra fee of $500 they'll let ya guzzle down $25 of Jack Daniels (like back in the Civil War).

This is Josef Mengele healthcare.   I'm going to write my congress-people and demand that the FTC should force Blue Cross Blue Shield to change their name to Mengele Healthcare.

I do think Taylor Lorenz is a shallow, despicable POS ... but maybe she's on the right track this time ..

<![CDATA[MAGA-nificent - Part II]]>Mon, 11 Nov 2024 20:11:19 GMThttp://neoterra.us/blog/maga-nificent-part-iiGood Grief!   It's already 6 days and Arizona is still counting votes.

France, with a population of over 66 Million, can count all their votes and resolve a national election in one day.   Florida, with a population of over 22 Million, can count all their votes and resolve the election in just a few hours (despite being hit by two devastating hurricanes)

But Arizona, with a population of less than 7.5 Million needs an entire week!  I suppose I should cut them some slack.  Perhaps, with Democrat run public schools, they have merely lost the ability to count past 10 (i.e the number after 9 in the decimal system).  Damn, think about how difficult it is to count to a million when ya only have ten fingers.

So, after six days (please recall that God created the entire Universe in just six days) the final results of the 2024 election are still unknown.  It seems that Democrats are either astoundingly incompetent  or irredeemably corrupt.

That said,  the current map (shown below) is in almost perfect alignment with the predictions of The Lattice.  In 2052 the United States will look like this, except there will be a 'Blue Corridor' extending across northern Indiana from Chicago to Toledo and then to downtown Cleveland  (The 'North Coast' is critical to the World Order).   And, conversely,  the current 'Blue Belt' in southern Alabama and Mississippi will be erased.

I love speculating on Future History.

Please, don't get arrogant, my friends. 

Perhaps Trump is correct and we are about to enter a new Golden Age.  BUT I don't think so ...We believed that when JFK raised our hopes and aspirations to a New Camelot.  But Lyndon Johnson soon created a war in Vietnam, racial conflict here at home and two decades of stagnation and friction.

As I've written before, the 2020's are an echo of the 1960's.   Sixty years have elapsed  ... two generations, enough time for the dishonestly educated young to not realize this has all been done before. 

 It's the same Democratic playbook of division and chaos and war.  Written by Saul Allinsky, embraced by Hillary Clinton and passed on to Barack Obama.  Please, don't believe me ... believe NPR, the Progressive  Oracle of Truth.  www.npr.org/2009/01/30/100057050/saul-alinsky-the-man-who-inspired-obama

Like the Reagan election of 1980,  election 2024 is just a reprieve from the relentless march of the Globalists.    We have set them back (eight years in my estimation),  but we are not able, or allowed to destroy them. 

They are safe and secure from us.  They are Billionaires with private islands or 200 thousand acres of farmland  ... monarchs moving to Portugal  or savage warlords somehow immune from justice. 

They have bought the media and they own the universities.  They will crawl in a hole for a few years and come back like locusts.

In closing, may I quote Ronald Reagan??  ... Its' my Blog so, of course I can.

"You and I have a rendezvous with destiny.
We’ll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we’ll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness."
                  Ronald Reagan, October 27th, 1964
<![CDATA[MAGA-nificent]]>Wed, 06 Nov 2024 05:00:00 GMThttp://neoterra.us/blog/maga-nificentWOW!  By now y'all know that Trump swept the 2024 election despite the dishonest reporting and polls from the "media".  It turned out that Polymarket was far more accurate than any of the "scientific" polls.

I decided not to post until after Kamala's seriously delayed concession speech because I wanted to provide an honest assessment of her speech and demeanor.

It was a well written speech (reminiscent of JFK) and she was focused and articulate.  Perhaps one of her best speeches ever.  I found it somewhat hypocritical, however, when she called for her supporters to continue the fight for Freedom and Democracy after spending most of her campaign calling people like me racists, NAZIs, fascists, and xenophobes.   Her words may call for unity but her actions intentionally foster division.

In other good news, the Republicans have taken control of the Senate.  I was very concerned about the Senate and I'm happy to report that four of the six candidates I supported have won their seats.

Control of the House is still up for grabs but Republican control looks favorable.

I know that many people (on the Left) view this as a total catastrophe or, even, the very end of Democracy.  But that is bullshit and fearmongering. Trump won the popular vote by a wide margin and that's the very definition of Democracy. 

Ahh,  much fear and anguish that you'll all be rounded up and persecuted by evil assholes like me.  Well, that's more BS and fearmongering from your Masters.  In terms of your social liberties, hardly anything will change because most people don't care to interfere in your lifestyle. 

In fact, I think that's the very definition of tolerance ... 
  • I have no interest in interfering with your culture.  In fact, I might like to learn about your customs or cuisine.    Maybe, tolerance enables curiosity.
  • I have no interest in interfering with your religion.  In fact, I've read the Quran, the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads and many other texts.  Maybe, tolerance enables curiosity.
  • Finally, I make no judgements on who you love (unless it happens to be the woman I love,  then we would have a conflict). 

Anyways,Progressives (aka Democrats) now have a choice.  You can open your eyes and see that we are just too busy with our own lives to persecute you.   OR you can continue to wallow in propaganda and divisiveness, and be miserable.  It's your life and it's your choice.

A closing thought for my friends.  It's fun to celebrate.  It's fun to feel vindicated.  But now is the time to be tolerant of our neighbors.    OH!  I don't mean tolerant of the dishonest criminals in the Administration ... but we should be charitable toward our neighbors.

That is all.

<![CDATA[It Begins - The War on Carbon]]>Sat, 26 Oct 2024 14:09:58 GMThttp://neoterra.us/blog/it-begins-the-war-on-carbonOf course the War on Carbon has been going on for years and various forms of carbon credits have been implemented by Climate Hysterians.  You can read the "green" propaganda from the World Economic Forum here:   www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/11/carbon-credits-what-how-fight-climate-change/

The War on Carbon is also a war on food.  The Netherlands has been particularly egregious in attacking farmers but the new championship title (at least for now) goes to Denmark.

A few months ago, Denmark passed the world's first carbon tax on farting cows. The tax is based on tons of carbon dioxide 'equivalent'. 
  • Disclaimer: I try to be accurate and scientific in my posts, however cow farts are actually methane. I don't know the CO2 equivalent and I have no desire to study how many times a cow farts per year. So I can't calculate the tax per cow ... but I've seen some sources estimate that it will be about $100/year.

I love how NPR portrays this as a mighty step forward in the battle against global warming.  (Can we arrest the staff of NPR for spreading dangerous misinformation??)

Ironically, the new tax will take effect in 2030, which is the exact year the Democratic Socialist World Order will link a personal Carbon Allowance (Carb$) to the global Central Bank Digital Currency (Coin$).

Every purchase will be tracked and purchases of individual items will be immediately denied if you don't have sufficient Carb$ in your account.

It's NOT about saving planet Terra.  It is all about power and control.

<![CDATA[Witches For Kamala]]>Fri, 25 Oct 2024 00:20:25 GMThttp://neoterra.us/blog/witches-for-kamala Intro
My friends,  our Nation ... our very Civilization has become a mockery when we have the news media celebrating that Witches (and Covens) have united in their efforts to cast evil spells on Donald Trump.
I wish this was just comical parody, like the Trump PR stunt at McDonalds, but it is sadly true.

I'm sure that many are just playing 'dress-up' and seeking attention. But many who identify as witches have been casting spells against Trump (and all his evil Christian supporters) since 2017.

There are now covens across the United States (and Canada) attempting to cast spells against Donald Trump to prevent his election. 

#WitchTheVote is a  “collective intersectional effort to direct our magic towards electing candidates who will push our country and our planet forward into the witch utopia"

YIKES!  DJT is standing in the way of a Witch Utopia!!  Unfortunately their magical powers aren't working.  I quote:

"I hate to say this, but don't do magic against him. He has a form of protection surrounding him that feeds off of magic done against him. You will have better results if you focus your magic on helping his opponent or protecting yourself and others. I wish it would work to bind him or do a freezer spell, but you will only be helping him."

I was curious about her thoughts on the "Freezer Spell" since I am (humbly speaking) an expert on freezer spells.   I did the research so you don't have to.   I quote:
“I was thinking of doing a freezer spell by writing Trump and Project 2025 (maybe also Trump supporters and GOP) on a piece of paper, sticking it into my Yogurt drink bottle, drown it in water, and freeze it,”

VooDoo vs Cat Lady Covens

HA, HA, HA !!!   Seriously witches?... you are such amateurs !!!  to think that merely writing "Trump" on a piece of paper stuffed in some yogurt (of all pathetic things)  has power??!!??   By all that is holy, you need cow's blood or chicken entrails at bare minimum.  YOGURT ?

I mentioned that I'm an expert on Freezer Spells.  

As undeniable proof, I invoked neoTerran Voodoo against AOC (and her Green New Deal) several years ago.

I obtained a lifelike AOC action figure (aka a Voodoo doll).

I didn't have a supply of chicken entrails handy so I anointed her with sacred Chick-Fil-A sauce (which is actually more magically powerful), and cast her deep into the farting cow section of my freezer. 

Since then, she stopped ranting about Global Warming.

At this point, it would be improper for me to say what manner of neoTerran Voodoo I may or may not  have invoked against Kamala.    Of course I would never do such a thing ... but imagine if there was a Kamala action figure (aka VooDoo doll) though I don't know where I might find such a thing ...

BUT what if I did ... and what if I drilled a large hole in her empty head and stuffed it with magical peanut butter??   AND what if I tied her to the deck railing and let the squirrels chew on her head??

Imagine how badly Kamala would do in interviews if squirrels were relentlessly chewing on her head. It's fun to imagine ... isn't it??

<![CDATA[Don't Panic - Get Out and Vote]]>Tue, 15 Oct 2024 04:00:00 GMThttp://neoterra.us/blog/dont-panic-get-out-and-voteDon't Panic
Friends,  for the last 2+ years I've been saying "DON'T PANIC".

I know that things seem dire.  Escalating crime, violent protests and looting in our cities, crippling inflation.  There are days when it seems we are on the eve of destruction.

A Bit of History

The World was on its knees following WWI and the Spanish Flu Epidemic of 1918.  The stock market crash in '29 was just a fitting end to a decade of post-war indulgence.

There are few still alive who can remember the Great Depression and the horrific environmental disaster of the Dust Bowl ... the worst heat wave and drought in American history.   And a second  World War just 20 years after the "War To End All Wars".

The Democrats don't want you to know or remember that this has all happened before.
The Dust Bowl


The whole cycle of animosity and despair repeated just one generation later.  Let us recall that in 1960 the United States was filled with hope and energy under President Kennedy.  From his inaugural address:
"Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans—born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage—and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.

And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country"

Then Lyndon Johnson took over.  Through the 60's and 70's we had the Vietnam War, racial unrest,  riots, burning cities, massive unemployment, crushing inflation and official corruption.  Lyndon Johnson managed to destroy America's spirit and its global prestige in just six years.

Many believed the American era had ended only 20 years after it began ... and the entire world was on the eve of destruction.

     The Eastern world, it is explodin'
     Violence flarin and bullets loadin'
     Your old enough to kill, but not for votin'
      But ya tell me over and over and over again,
      my friend
      Ya don't believe we're on the eve of destruction.

The Fall of Saigon -  April 30th, 1975

Chicago Burning

Ironically, it was Ronald Reagan, a Republican, who brought down the Soviet Union in 1991 (without firing a shot) and brought us back from the eve of destruction. 

For the first time in all of human history there was a single, global hegemony.  An era of global peace and prosperity created by a free people born in a New World.   Pax Americana, which began with the victories of WW2, was restored and has continued into the present.

I should acknowledge that there have been eras of peace and prosperity under previous empires:

After just four years of the Harris-Biden administration, we again find our nation demoralized, deeply divided and questioning our core values.

It's like the worst of the 60's and 70's all over again.  War, humiliation on the world stage, rampant inflation, civil unrest, spiraling violent crime.

In some respects it's even worse than 50 years ago.
  • We now have over 35 TRILLION in national debt.
  • Under DEI, competency is no longer a job requirement.  Aircraft fall apart in flight, weekly food recalls for contamination,  continuing shortages being dishonestly blamed on supply chain issues.
  • An unchecked invasion at our southern border.
The Fall of Kabul

Minneapolis Burning - Tim Walz Governor

Ballots are Better Than Bullets
Friends, our Nation has seen worse days than these. In two weeks we have the ability to restore sanity and balance.  GET OUT AND VOTE!
<![CDATA[The Rational Prepper]]>Wed, 02 Oct 2024 18:09:54 GMThttp://neoterra.us/blog/the-rational-prepperIntro
The Rational Prepper series is based on the premise that the best way to deal with bad situations is to avoid them.

Lessons From Helene
However, as Helene dumped two feet of rain in eastern Appalachia it became apparent that nowhere is completely safe from disaster.  Low lying areas were totally devastated and there is nothing anyone can do to prepare for such an onslaught.

The wider disaster is still unfolding.  Higher ground (which is most of the region) wasn't washed away but is now inaccessible due to destruction of roads and bridges and is without electricity or communication.

As of this morning, over 400,000 remain without electricity in western North Carolina.

That many people without power is certainly serious, but the greatest problem is government incompetence.

Over 360 substations have been damaged or completely destroyed.  There is not enough replacement equipment available and it could take months before all these substations are repaired. Try to imagine going two or three months without electricity.

To make matters worse, the Harris-Biden administration has been sending critical equipment to Ukraine.

This is the greatest travesty of all.   In 2021 the Harris-Biden administration allocated $42.5 BILLION to the Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) program to bring internet service to under served communities.  To date, it has connected no one.

A few years ago, the FCC revoked a grant under which Starlink would provide over 100,000 terminals to users in remote locations.  19,552 of those terminals were earmarked for locations in North Carolina that are now cut off from all communication.

Pathetically,  FEMA has just announced that they are bringing 67 Starlink terminals to the state. 

As an aside, 100,000 Starlink terminals would cost less that $100 Million, a mere drop in the $42.5 BILLION  Harris-Biden BEAD bucket.

The incompetence (or, perhaps, corruption) is beyond astounding.

Lessons - Resiliency
It is not practical to prepare for a once-in-100 years flood (or hurricane or earthquake).  The only option is to evacuate and hope there is something left to salvage.

That said, vast, adjacent areas (that aren't destroyed) may/will suffer from loss of infrastructure for a very long time.  I now believe that resiliency (i.e. multiple options to stay self sufficient) should be a key aspect for the Rational Prepper who becomes stranded by damaged roads. 
  • Note: This is assuming you're stranded at a location that wasn't severely damaged.

Food:  Roads may be washed out or impassable ...you may not be able to get a store ... and if you do,  it will probably be picked clean.  Just a few weeks of shelf stable food (rice, beans, canned goods, powdered milk) might make the difference between desperation and getting by.

Internet:  Communication might be gone for weeks or even months.  Starlink is the only communication that can be relied upon.  Fiber/cable on poles will be blown away and underground utilities could be severed or washed away.  Cell towers will be gone.

Starlink can be run from the batteries in a car or RV.

Energy:  Electricity is a necessity.
  • Yeah, I know our ancestors lived just fine without it ... they lived in a log shack, had a garden and chickens and a root cellar.  AND, they ate squirrels and rancid meat that would make us sick.  We are spoiled and soft ... accept it.

A whole house propane generator is the ultimate prep but most people can't justify the expense. 

Just a few solar panels are all you need to run a refrigerator, Starlink and a microwave.  But the sun doesn't always shine so a small gasoline gen is needed to provide a backup (and gasoline).

Water:  This is the most serious concern.  Municipal water might be interrupted or contaminated.  A well will continue to deliver water ... if you have the power to run it.

You might be able to collect rainwater or get water from a stream.  In either case, it may not be fit for modern, pampered humans to drink.  You will need some way to filter out debris or silt and some household bleach to kill bacteria and pathogens. 

Medicine:  I'm no expert on this.  If there's some med you absolutely need to live (like insulin) then you should keep an extra one month supply in the fridge (make sure you rotate your supply, expired meds are worthless).

Tools:  There are SO MANY tools.  However, if you live in a wooded area then a good gasoline chain saw (and a couple of spare chains) is a necessity.  A selection of cordless tools is a plus.

Emergency Repairs:  Like tools, this could be a big topic.  But I'm focused on a few weeks, not some Zombie Apocalypse.  Tarps and/or rolls of heavy plastic sheet might be needed to cover broken windows or a damaged roof.  Duct tape and staples.

Several heavy duty extension cords to get power where you need it.  For example, you might need to run the fridge from your gas generator ... never, ever run the generator inside the house!

Gasoline:  Yeah.  We all want to save the Climate by going electric, right?  (I'm being sarcastic).

Gasoline is concentrated liquid energy.  Electric cars and electric tools will be useless when the grid is down.

Gas gives you resiliency when electricity fails.   However, if your area is cut off then the supply will be quickly exhausted.   I should recommend that you always keep your tank full, but that would make me a hypocrite.  I don't fill up until I get down to 1/4 (about three trips back-and-forth to town).

I'm sure there are more items but, it's time to move on.

<![CDATA[Future Food - Eat Ze Algae]]>Sun, 08 Sep 2024 16:54:13 GMThttp://neoterra.us/blog/future-food-eat-ze-algaeIt's been a while since I've written about eating bugs and goo.   I just came across an excellent article on Off-Guardian so it's time for an update on this delicious topic.

Powdered algae drink.   YUM!

Please recall from The Lattice that in 2052 MarLynn Mistry is a genetic engineer at the Chicago Protein Project (aka: The Maggot Ranch).  One of the main products is genetically edited algae.

The World Order creates a genetically edited algae variant that produces a contraceptive enzyme in an effort to sterilize the lower classes.  YAY!

MarLynn and Xavier Baptiste in the Algae Farm

As I wrote a couple of years ago, the FDA pulled a fast one and declared that genetically edited food does NOT have to be labeled as genetically modified food.  So, when you carefully buy a non-GMO product, it could still be franken-corn.

The Globalists are pushing forward with "alternative protein" as fast as possible.  The UK has just announced the creation of  the National Alternative Protein Innovation Centre (NAPIC) which "will explore whether cultured meat or proteins derived from plants, fungi, algae, insects and microbes can be healthy as well as sustainable."


In related developments, Bezos is funding three Bezos Centers for Sustainable Protein in the UK, Singapore and North Carolina.   "The centre will look at technologies to create greener alternative proteins using microbial fermentation, which can produce proteins and nutrients for food formulations, and lab-grown meat cultivated from animal cells."

Microbial fermentation and lab grown meat ... what could possibly go wrong?

<![CDATA[Sustaining Liberty - The End of the Constitution]]>Mon, 02 Sep 2024 18:04:10 GMThttp://neoterra.us/blog/sustaining-liberty-the-end-of-the-constitutionAs some of you know, I don't really identify as a Republican or a Conservative.   Those are very broad categories and I was a conservative-leaning Independent for most of my adult life.  So I have to focus on what's most important to me and decided that I'm a Constitutionalist.

Contrary to what the Democrat Socialists will tell you, the United States is NOT a Democracy.  The United States is, intentionally, a Constitutional Republic.  Our Founders understood that every previous democracy succumbed to Mob Rule (i.e. Tyranny of the Majority) and collapsed.
  • The House is democratically elected
  • The President is democratically elected
  • The Senate and Supreme Court were/are intentionally structured to prevent Mob Rule.

As a Constitutionalist I am sad to say that the Democrats and their Progressive cohorts have turned their propaganda machine to attack the Constitution itself.  This is the beginning of what will be a long campaign to destroy the Constitution and replace it with Globalist serfdom.

Here is an example:  Erwin Chemerinsky, the dean of Berkeley’s law school recently published "No Democracy Lasts Forever - How the Constitution Threatens the United States"  (I will not provide a link to his book).

It is sad the think that the dean of a prestigious law school doesn't comprehend that the United States isn't a democracy.   But it's even worse to realize that he is merely the vanguard of dishonest, anti-American propaganda.  He is a stooge scholar making it intellectually fashionable to hate the Constitution.

The New York Times immediately jumped on the bandwagon.
I quote: "The argument that what ails the country’s politics isn’t simply the president, or Congress, or the Supreme Court, but the founding document that presides over all three, has been gaining traction, especially among liberals."

"the urge to seek salvation in the Constitution has stunted not only our political behavior but also our understanding of what’s possible."  In other words, we should toss the Constitution in the shitcan and start over ... perhaps following the shining example of France which has had fourteen failed constitutions in 200 years.  I'm not making this up ... neoterra.us/blog/france-wins-2024-clown-world-olympics

Please recall that the French embraced Robespierre who sent thousands of his political opponents to the guillotine without any due process. then Emperor Napoleon, another monarchy and eventually a Nazi regime aligned with Hitler.  What a wonderful example of pure Democracy  ... mob rule.

This is what the Democrat Party will bring to America.  This isn't a conspiracy theory ... they are saying it out loud.

One closing thought, my friends, The
bourgeoisie "class", so hated by Socialists means "The Middle Class"en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bourgeoisie

So do not wonder why every Democrat Party policy, from open borders, to COVID lock-downs and rampant inflation seem irrational.   Ever since Marx and Engels published the Communist Manifesto in 1848 (Yep, way before the Civil War) the socialists have been on a crusade to eliminate the middle class.

You see, there is no way Socialism can ever elevate those who are lazy, incompetent or merely disadvantaged to be above average.

So, the only way to achieve glorious social equity (not to be confused with equality) is to crush those who are talented or industrious ... to insure that no one (except the party elites) can be above average.

Meritocracy = Bad            Mediocrity = Equity
Unity = Weakness            Diversity = Strength   
Ambition = Selfishness     Victim-hood = Honor     

<![CDATA[Clown World - I Worked At McDonald's]]>Mon, 02 Sep 2024 16:55:47 GMThttp://neoterra.us/blog/clown-world-i-worked-at-mcdonaldsIn a strange attempt to pretend to identify with working people, Kamala Harris has claimed that she once worked for McDonald's.   Some folks on the right are calling it "Stolen McValor",  as a jab at Walz's false claims of serving in Iraq.

Quite frankly I don't care if she did or didn't .... this clip from Trump impersonator Shawn Farash will give ya'll a Labor Day Laugh.

As always ... DON'T PANIC