Welcome to neoTerra
Sustainable Design and Living neoTerra is an experimental sustainable, passive solar home located in the beautiful Appalachian mountains of North Georgia. The name neoTerra refers to the New Earth of the 21st Century.
The world will not be a pristine New Eden. It will be a crowded planet with 9 billion people competing for food and resources. Only through sustainable design, conscientious use of materials and energy efficiency can we all enjoy a comfortable (and hopefully prosperous) future. |
neoTerra is NOT a tiny house or an exercise in self-sacrifice. We succeeded in our goal to reduce energy consumption by 80% without giving up living space, hot showers or cold beverages.
To maximize the benefits of passive solar design we selected a site with great south and southwest exposures in a hardwood forest. Mature oaks and hickories provide deep shade in the summer and ample sunlight in the winter. A New Direction [January 2022] - For several years this Blog focused on sustainable, energy-efficient design and construction and I haven't written since we installed our solar panels in 2020. Since then, I've become very concerned about the destructive march of Progressive Socialism in America. So I have decided to start writing about sustaining freedom, individual rights, individual self-determination and individual liberty. If we cannot sustain our liberty then all other aspects of sustainability are a sham. I thought about starting a new Blog but I realized that the story of neoTerra firmly establishes that I don't just talk-the-talk... We are firmly committed to preserving the environment and to sustainability... and the history of neoTerra proves we have walked-the-walk. Furthermore, we did it without Government mandates, and without a Green New Deal. In futures posts I will discuss and repudiate the boogeymen the globalists and Progressives have created to frighten us into submission:
I will present solid, honest FACTS, though I'm sure that some readers will decide that I'm a climate denier or that I'm a selfish neanderthal for demanding private property rights, and the preservation of our Republic and our Constitutional freedoms. Freedom should not be A New Direction... but here we are! The new blog posts start here http://neoterra.us/blog/a-new-direction-sustaining-liberty Debt Is Slavery And we are certainly at an unsustainable level of debt. |
Construction History in Pictures
We started construction in November of 2013 and finished November of 2014. A brief chronology of construction through the seasons.
Design Concepts

Front view
neoTerra is a Modern-Industrial style home in a natural, wooded setting. The exterior utilizes low maintenance materials like exposed concrete, fiber cement panels and corrugated galvalume siding.
The front of the house faces north
The front of the house faces north

View from the southeast