There's still some clean-up required... but the heavy-lifting is done. YAY!
The path leading down to the small patio.
The 'upper' patio with the firepit.
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The long promised and often delayed Patio Project Progress report. There's still some clean-up required... but the heavy-lifting is done. YAY! The path leading down to the small patio. The 'upper' patio with the firepit.
Recap In the previous segment (two days ago) I talked about the unfolding energy crisis in Europe. They are blaming the situation on Putin but the historical evidence clearly shows that the crisis has been created by 'Green' leaders (who answer to the WEF) and was triggered by President Biden months prior to the war in Ukraine. Inflation is soaring for both food and energy. People are being forced to choose between heating and eating... and they are NOT happy.
I speculated that the 'Greens' could be forced out of office as the continent scrambles for energy. Most of the 'Greens' are stooges of the WEF, so Klaus Schwab might lose influence. However, the Climate Change hoax was probably never a real agenda... perhaps it was always a ploy to orchestrate an economic collapse and trigger The Great Reset. I had planned to write a segment about the simultaneous mega-drought in Europe today, but there is more breaking news on the energy front. Sounding The Alarm Yesterday French President Macron and Belgian Prime Minister De Croo both made speeches telling the public that they must be prepared to endure serous hardship to preserve freedom and democracy. It is interesting to note that they are pivoting away from the Climate Change narrative and framing the rolling economic disaster as a righteous fight for democracy (as if Ukraine was ever really a democracy). Both men are staunch 'Greens', are members of the WEF Young Global Leaders and are protegees of Klaus. Let's see what they had to say. Emmanuel Macron - President of France Speaking to the French Cabinet yesterday (August 24th). This is truly scary shit! He doesn't say... "we have to tighten our belts for the next 6-12 months" nope, he says this is the end of the era of abundance. That sounds pretty permanent and it totally sounds like The Great Reset to me. The picture is from his bio at the WEF.
Alexander De Croo - Belgian Prime Minister Speaking to the Belgian news media. Not quite as scary as Macron... the crisis will only last ten years! As with Macron, the picture is from his WEF bio.
Conclusion Europe Is So Screwed. There is no reason for the United States to suffer the same economic disaster as Europe.
We must vote the Democrat Party out in November or they will take us down the same Road To Serfdom. DON'T PANIC. DO VOTE. The United States Census Bureau just admitted that they totally screwed up the 2020 census. I am not making this up... here is the link to their official website.
Errors occur in any normal universe but they tend to average out. However, in the case of the 2020 census (which has enormous political and economic consequences) all but one of the over counted states is 'Blue' and all but one of the under counted states is 'Red'. I wonder how 14 states are seriously miscounted and ALL of the errors favor the Democrat Party. It seems stinky to me. This isn't some insignificant statistical error. By Law, the Census determines house seats, electoral college votes and state welfare payments for the next 10 years. And Blue states received a huge, undeserved windfall. These errors will distort congressional representation and the Electoral College. It means that when the Census Bureau reapportioned the House, Florida was cheated out of two additional seats it should have gotten; Texas missed out on another seat; Minnesota and Rhode Island each kept a representative they shouldn’t have; and Colorado was awarded a new member of the House it didn’t deserve. These errors also mean Billions in federal funds will be misallocated. Funding for many federal programs is distributed to the states based on population. Overcounted states (Blue) will now receive a larger share of federal funds than they are entitled to, at the expense of the undercounted (Red) states. Unfortunately, the federal statutes governing the census and apportionment provide no remedy to correct this problem. And it would be very difficult to devise an acceptable remedy this far after the fact. It seems that the Democrats get to shit on the rest of the country for another 10 years. The Democrat Party has pulled-off the scam of the decade. We must vote them out of Congress and prosecute the Census Bureau for their partisan negligence. Introduction I've been writing about the Boogeymen of Doom for a couple of years now. How globalists, primarily orchestrated by the World Economic Forum (WEF) the U.N. and Socialist Democrats, use these boogeymen to frighten the populace into submission so they will surrender their rights and freedoms to the self-anointed global elites. I gave some of the boogeymen names to diffuse the fear. The boogeymen are, indeed, real (or potentially real) but they have been enormously exaggerated to induce mass hysteria. Funny names help put them in their place.
Converging Crises I've been thinking about how the converging crises might play out. I don't follow conspiracy theories so I don't believe the WEF actually engineered the COVID Scamdemic. However, they never let a crisis go to waste and, gleefully exaggerated and exploited COVID to wreak havoc on the global economy. At first, I thought that the global energy crisis would be bad for the WEF because it will kill the Climate Change boogeyman. People are not happy being forced to choose between heating and eating. Climate activists are going to become VERY unpopular and will be pushed out of Government. However, it is very likely that Climate Change was never a real objective... it was just a tool to induce an energy crisis. Perhaps the Climate Hysterians that the WEF installed in governments around the world are now expendable. After all, the WEF has Blackrock, Zuckerberg, Gates and Arab OIL billionaires in the bullpen.
If things get bad enough in Europe they will beg for Hitler... (or Klaus Schwab) ... to save them. History repeats itself. Energy Scarcity Let's start with the European energy crisis which is entirely their own fault. Do you remember when Trump blocked construction of the Nordstream 2 pipeline and warned Germany that they were too dependent on Russia? Do you recall that he tried to convince them to buy American LNG instead? If not... here ya' go: Trump tried to convince them to make long term commitments to American LNG because it takes years to build plants and ships to produce and transport the gas. They laughed at him. Well, here we are and Europe is so screwed. Here are current Natural Gas (NG) prices in Europe. Holy Shit! Please note, when Biden took office the price was 27.632. Nine months later (long before the war in Ukraine) the price hit 118. ... a 427% increase. (click the pic for details) Instability As an engineer, I spent a lot of time insuring that a system would behave in a reliable and predictable manner. Insuring stability. The chart below (courtesy of ZeroHedge) only goes back to July of 2021. However, prior to Joe taking office there was a reliable correlation between energy content and cost. This ratio is depicted in the chart as Oil Barrel Equivalents. I don't want to bore you with micro-details but this is important.
In an ideal (capitalistic) world, the cost of each form of energy should be about the same. As consumers, we don't really care where those BTUs came from (unless you are a Climate Hysterian). There may be seasonal differences (more demand for NG for heating in the winter vs more demand for WTI/gasoline in the summer). The energy economics continued to be stable until the end of August of 2021. At that point we start to see divergences in American energy (WTI fluctuating vs US NG) but European energy breaks down into CHAOS. Just look at the chart... (Note, the following chart expands on the previous 5 year chart). In October of 2021 EU NG surges more than 200% and then falls back at the end of October. But then it surges to an even greater high in December... and craters again in January. Please look at the pattern. A wild peak and a bumpy drop... and even worse peak and another bumpy drop... with each cycle getting WORSE. This is the exact pattern of an unstable system in decay. A System In Decay Did you ever play with a top? As the energy is expended it begins to wobble... it becomes unstable and the wobble gets more extreme. Europe has become unstable. Honestly, just look at the chart; the European top is about to flip over. I don't want those welfare socialists to take America down with them. Seriously... Wobbling? I know, You don't think that Chaos theory applies to real life. You are totally confident that Schwab, Joe and the WEF are going to save Democracy and make everything comfortable again. Yeah... sure. The following video is a perfect, real-life example of what happens when a system becomes unstable. A 35 mile per hour wind took this bridge down. And the guy in charge of the project was an 'expert'. (The video is actually pretty entertaining). Is the US Unstable? The price of NG in the United States has more than doubled in the first 8 months of 2022 but it isn't going through wild fluctuations. The US is in fairly good shape in spite of Biden's war on energy. We are the world's largest producer of NG. The Europeans would now love to take Trump's suggestion to buy a LOT more LNG. They are buying as much as they can and driving up prices here at home. Fortunately (for the American consumer) the LNG plants and ships weren't built and Europe can't suck us into their energy crisis .. yet. (Credit to the Visual Capitalist for the amazing graphic) Coal, Nasty Coal Remember when all the Progressives were losing their minds because Trump refused to go along with the Paris Climate Accord? Sure you do because they all celebrated when Joe Biden signed on to that worthless treaty on his first day in office. Well, Germany (and other hypocrites in Europe) are not going to meet any of their Climate Commitments because they are now reactivating their retired coal power plants. Suddenly, coal is their saviour. Europe might be able to pump more energy into their wobbling top if they abandon their Climate Change religion. The situation in Germany is so dire that coal trains are now given priority over their esteemed, on-time passenger trains. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Electricity I have to switch gears a bit because electricity is our most versatile form of energy. The wobble in fuel prices is really concerning, but many Progressives are only concerned with the transition to wonderful, 'clean' electricity and they don't care how much WE have to pay. To the surprise of many Climate Hysterians, electricity doesn't just spew out of rainbows for free.
Electricity has to be produced from other forms of energy. When the price of fuel goes up so does the price of electricity. Our rates in North Georgia went up 10% in July. The first increase in 5+ years. We are lucky, rates have increased by 18% - 40% in other parts of the country. But that is NOTHING compared to Europe. No fuel - no juice. Electric rates in Europe have increase by as much as 700% in the last 12 months. It is simply unaffordable. (Credit to ZeroHedge Click the pic) European Economic Impact As I've written previously, energy is the foundation of prosperity. Last year Europe started shutting down production of fertilizer (requires NG) and some production of metals. With soaring energy costs, zinc and aluminum smelters are being shuttered. The effects will ripple through the entire economy and put millions of people out of work. You can't make aircraft, or beer cans, or thousands of other products without aluminum. You can't make plastics without petroleum. Food production will be cut in half without synthetic fertilizer. They will try to blame the economic collapse on COVID, supply chain issues, Climate Change or Putin. But it all revolves around energy policy and it is all their fault. Europe is so screwed. What About America?
We live in a global economy and Americans will suffer continuing inflation, shortages and a possible recession (loss of jobs). But America will be OK. DON'T PANIC Earlier, I showed a graphic of Natural Gas (NG). The United States is much larger than second-place Russia. But that is just half the story. The United States is also the world's largest producer of oil. For almost 60 years, every President (except one) and every Progressive elite expert said this was impossible. For most of my life, we hemorrhaged Billions of $$ per year to countries that hate us and we fought endless wars over oil. All because dishonest leaders and elite experts told us we could never, ever be self sufficient. When Joe Biden took office, the United States was energy self-sufficient and the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) had been replenished. For the first time in my entire life, the United States was a net exporter of energy and we were no longer gushing cash-for-gas to our enemies. This week, the SPR has been drained down to it's lowest level in 35 years. Biden is openly and officially committed to continue the drain until the mid-terms and the SPR will be sucked down to the lowest level in over 40 years. Biden is a criminal. If I'm correct, and energy is the key to prosperity, then the United States and Russia should rule the world after the current shitshow plays out. All we need is a concrete policy of America First. In conclusion, here's another great graphic from Visual Capitalist. Damn, the US is still awesome.
This Looks Like Tyranny To Me The FBI Raid at Mar-a-Lago The FBI report on what they recovered from Mar-a-Lago. Liz Cheney Is NOT Abraham Lincoln Following her thrashing in the GOP Wyoming Primary, Liz Cheney continued her vendetta against DJT and compared herself to Abraham Lincoln. It appears that Rinos may be an endangered species. Bye-Bye Liz! Brian Stelter to Join Liz What a great week... Brian Stelter got the boot from CNN. Now he and Liz can enjoy unemployment. Maybe Brian will learn to code. Turning Lemonade Into Lemons 8 year-old Asa Baker was selling lemonade in an alley outside the business where her father works in Alliance, Ohio. Then some wonderful folks at the nearby Rib Festival called the cops and had her shut down. What kind of hateful Karen calls the cops on a kid selling lemonade? (Click the pic) This is what America is turning into. Child Obesity In America CBS Mornings ran an insightful segment that explains why kids today are becoming fat-asses (my apologies to any of you think fatness = fitness). The explanation is.... Climate Change. YAY. Yep, kids are grossly overweight because it is 1 degree warmer now than it was 50 years ago. It has nothing to do with junk food or playing video games all day. Nope, it is because it's too damn hot to jump around in the sprinkler. It seems, however, that only American kids are affected by warmer summer weather. Kids in Mexico and Africa (where it is much hotter) don't seem to be gaining weight. Fatness = Fitness OK... I'm not into shaming anyone. BUT, when the Progressive idiots try to blame obesity on Global Warming then I am forced to go to WAR. When society sinks to this level of absurdity then 'science' has been extinguished. I hope y'all got a laugh from my previous post warning urbanites to stay away from Eden. Seriously:
I must admit that moving to the mountains has had serious consequences. Honestly, the minute I traded my high-status Mercedes for a practical pickup-truck, my penis immediately shrank by 50%. AND, when I bought a chainsaw so I could cut my own firewood... it almost disappeared. Honestly ladies, the most manly men live in their Mom's basement, drink soy lattes and lease prestigious European cars. You have been warned! Recap In the previous Location, Location, Location post ( I talked about avoiding Threats associated with Natural Disasters. Next, we should consider avoiding man-made Threats (Perhaps we should call these Hazards rather than Threats). In this segment I will again show some maps (and resources) so you can visualize the Hazards. Cities Note that I'm not going to talk about living in cities. It's impossible to establish a self-sufficient lifestyle in any urban area (though it might be possible in the suburbs if you own enough land). Spiraling crime, congestion, rotting infrastructure, escalating debt and crushing taxes make urban living fundamentally unsustainable. (Please note, if you have a great, high-paying job then urban life can be very enjoyable... but it isn't sustainable). Man-Made Hazards OK... so you have made the decision to get out of the city. There are a variety of man-made Hazards in rural America... these are primarily related to pollution or environmental degradation. Let's avoid Hazards that could impact your health or your property. These include:
Toxic Waste The United States has made huge strides to reduce air and water pollution over the past 60 years, but there is still a lot of toxic waste buried around the country. The worst sites are the EPA Superfund sites shown on the following map. The worst Threat from these sites is polluted ground water (recall that you will need a well if you're trying to be somewhat self-sufficient). Clearly, the highest concentration is in the industrial Northeast, the Rust-belt and on the West Coast. However, there are sites throughout the country. To search for sites in your area of interest, click the pic and go to the EPA Superfund Priorities List. As mentioned, the main Threat from Toxic dumps is pollution of the ground water. If pollution gets into an aquifer it can travel for miles so do your homework. Better yet, buy property in the mountains above the water table. The higher you go in a watershed, the better the water... and water is life. Note that the EPA only lists the worst of the worst. Virtually every county in the US has a landfill site / garbage dump. Most are very well managed and follow the rules but why take a chance. If you choose to live near Mount Trashmore (with a million tons of garbage leaching into the soil) then you should resign yourself to city-water. Mount Trashmore Nuclear Power Plants First, let me say that I'm an advocate for nuclear power. Over the past 70 years there have been only two disastrous nuclear accidents. One was the responsibility of the the incompetent Soviets at Chernobyl. The other (Fukushima) was the responsibility of arrogant Japanese who built a plant in an earthquake zone.
The following map shows the locations of nuclear power plants in America. Note there are none in the southern Appalachians (why would there be?). However, there are three plants in the Tennessee Valley. With prevailing winds from the west, an accident at one of these plants could release some radiation over the mountains in southern Tennessee or western North Carolina. In all honesty, this would not deter me from buying property in those areas but it may be a concern for you. Mining Operations I don't have a map for large-scale mining operations, but gigantic strip mines are pretty obvious. Just look at satellite images on Google maps before you buy land. The big problem is that new mining operations can be created almost anywhere. The Globalists and the Climate Hysterians are pushing for a massive increase in 'Green Energy' which will dramatically increase the need/demand for scarce metals. Meeting the current goals of Biden's Green New Deal will require Lithium production to be increased by 500% over the next ten years (and that is just one of many metals). We can expect there will be MASSIVE environmental degradation as the Globalist's 'protect' the climate. Industrial Livestock Large-scale livestock production (particularly pork and chicken) produces massive amounts of sewage, which may contaminate water sources if it's not properly managed.
As with toxic waste, you want to stay way upstream (and upwind) of commercial pig farms and chicken ranches. Conclusion
I'm not an expert on sustainability or survival but I hope this segment has given y'all some food for thought as you navigate your future. The best preparation is avoidance. Try to avoid the worst, most-likely Threats and Hazards. I'm convinced there is no future in Progressive Urban Socialist (PUS) cities. They are declining and the Democrat 'leaders' will pull every slimy, dishonest trick they can to keep you on a treadmill and/or bail themselves out. However, with a bit of planning and forethought, it is entirely possible to escape to fringe suburbs or rural America where life is much better. Retirement, portable job skills, entrepreneurship or the ability to work from home will allow millions of Americans to enjoy a better, more sustainable life away from urban deterioration and chaos. DON'T PANIC!!! Prepare Your Escape.
Agents... We Need More Agents
In the previous Rational Prepper post (Location, Location, Location) I mistakenly claimed that the southern Appalachians are the best place in North America to enjoy a good life and avoid Armageddon. However, I now realize that my analyses was tainted with a Conservative bias and was not totally scientific. I have been reminded that the Appalachians are a fly-over region filled with folks who drive Jeeps (or pick-up trucks), who refuse to eat bugs, support the Constitution and believe in individual freedom and self determination. OH! and there are guns, Lots-Of-Guns. Mr. and Ms. Terra in the neoTerra gun locker ...And we are slackers Honestly, like every town in Appalachia has four gun shops but nobody has a decent selection of Gucci handbags or Rolex watches. It is living in a state of deprivation. AND then there are banjos... Lots-Of-Banjos. There are Banjo toting hill-people in every holler. So, in all humility, I stand corrected. After a careful scientific review, the absolute best places to live are San Francisco, Manhattan, Chicago, Portland and Seattle. Honest... Trust The SCIENCE. You really don't want to live in an Appalachian world where you might meet up with Katniss Everdeen. Recap In the Introduction to the Rational Prepper series I talked about the difference between Threats (capitalized) and Situations. Threats are the worst type of situations.... the situations where life or safety is at stake. It is difficult to think or plan rationally for Threats because it is impossible to attach a cost to the lives of those you love. Threat situations are very real. Fortunately, they are relatively rare. For the sake of discussion I will divide Threat situations into three categories: Natural disasters, man-made disasters and Human Violence. Today, I'll focus on avoiding Natural Disasters. Avoiding Threats The best way to prepare for actual Threat situations is to avoid them. As the realtors like to say, it's all about "Location, Location, Location". There are many pepper websites that talk about the ultimate location for a homestead or a bug-out bunker so I didn't invent the idea. However, we did our own analysis when we were considering where to retire. Deciding on the most rational place to go is partly a process of eliminating Threat situations and partly a process of achieving a desirable lifestyle. Today I'll talk about avoiding Threats. The most critical real-world Threats are wide-area disasters that can overwhelm emergency services and law enforcement.
Secondary Threats are circumstances that might make an area unlivable:
Let's think about how we might avoid the worst Threats. Earthquakes A massive earthquake is the most dangerous natural Threat. Fortunately, they are rare and we have accumulated really good data on where they are likely to occur. The entire West coast and the New Madrid fault (along the Mississippi river) are the greatest risks. So, I'm going to avoid those areas. (click the pic) Hurricanes Hurricanes are not as potentially deadly as earthquakes because there is an opportunity to evacuate. On the other hand, devastating earthquakes only occur every 50 - 100 years while hurricanes occur every year. I'm going to avoid the eastern seaboard and the gulf coast... no sunny beaches for me. Flooding Flooding is a serious Threat in many parts of the country. Fortunately, it's pretty easy to avoid... just move to high ground. We won't be living in the valley. Tornadoes Tornadoes are localized events but they can sure ruin your day. I'm going to avoid the major tornado zones which eliminates much of the 'heartland'. Although it's not apparent on the following map, it also eliminates northern Alabama which is the 'tornado alley' of the South. Water Scarcity Water is absolutely essential to life. You can get by with a minimal amount of water in an emergency but it isn't pleasant. Ten years ago, when we started our quest to find the ideal location, I already knew that the Southwest WOULD run out of water and that many Western states could experience serious droughts. If you live in a rural area you must supply your own water... and it all originates with rainfall. I'll eliminate all the areas that are yellow/brown and focus on the blue areas in the Southeast. (Click the pic for numerous other maps regarding rainfall and droughts). Where To Go? After a process of eliminating the Threats, we went though a process of finding a desirable lifestyle. I really wanted forested property with adequate to abundant rainfall and a moderate climate. We focused on the Ozarks and the Appalachians and traveled in both regions. We selected 'Appalachiastan' over 'Ozarkia'. We then eliminated northern Alabama (beautiful but tornado alley) and rural New York (beautiful but it's a socialist state). Eden exists in the Appalachian region that extends from Pennsylvania to North Georgia.... with the southern Appalachians enjoying moderate winters and mild summers. Get The Lead Out With an impending global food crisis a lot of people are starting or expanding home gardens so they can have more control over their food supply. For example, the price of eggs has jumped 47% in a single year. Progressives hate the thought of anyone having any independence so they've invented a brand new boogeyman to keep you under control. LEAD POISONING from home gardens. A recent study has shown that backyard chickens (and their eggs) contained 30X as much lead as store-bought eggs. VERY SCARY. However, as a matter of full disclosure, the study was done in Australia and focused on properties that were contaminated with lead from proximity to lead mines or that had lead paint or lead pipes (does anyone still have lead pipes?). It seems that science has proven that testing areas known to be contaminated with lead discovers those areas are contaminated with lead. The advice from the Rational Prepper says Don't buy property next to a toxic mining operation, or a toxic waste dump or an Australian city. You're Welcome! Enjoy your veggies and eggs! |
December 2024