I thought that Joe Biden took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution... perhaps I was wrong.
This week he announced his new Ghost Gun Ban to great fanfare and much Progressive cheering. His new regulations are not actually a ban... but more on that later.
Stupidity and Dishonesty
His announcement is based on the same tired and dishonest arguments he has used throughout his sad career. Making jokes about self defense or hunting, neither of which which has anything to do with the 2nd.
Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
About a year ago, in a previous assault on 'assault rifles' Joe stated "From the very beginning, you couldn't own any weapon you wanted to own,". This is absolutely untrue. In colonial times citizens could own anything they could afford including cannons. Machine guns were completely accessible until they became regulated in 1934. They are still legal but require a background check and registration with the ATF. (By the way, the ATF indicates there are about 638,000 legal civilian-owned machine guns in the US… which is more than the Army).
Hand grenades, bombs and anti-tank cannons remained legal until 1968. Tanks, armored vehicles and flamethrowers (yes flamethrowers) are and have always been legal.
He goes on to say... "Nothing, nothing I'm about to recommend in any way impinges on the Second Amendment," And he adds. "They're phony arguments suggesting that these are Second Amendment rights at stake for what we're talking about. But no amendment, no amendment to the Constitution is absolute." Hey Joe, it states “Shall not be infringed”… It is absolutely ABSOLUTE.
The Pulsefire flamethrower is completely legal and ON SALE for Easter at PSA. It's even more awesome than the one used by Ripley in Aliens. Get yours today. FREE SHIPPING!
The 2nd Amendment makes no mention of self defense because it doesn't have to. Self defense has been enshrined in all legal systems going back at least to the Code of Hammurabi (1792 BC). The founders felt no need to reiterate 3800 year-old laws in the Constitution.
Here's one of Joe's dumbest statements ever.... telling the public (and his wife) it's OK to fire a shotgun at random, in the dark, at night.
The Constitution says NOTHING about hunting (which is a privilege, not a right). What has this to do with the 2nd Amendment??
But, we have Joe reiterating the same tired, stupid, irrelevant argument about hunting.
The Purpose of the 2nd
NO, Joe, I don't think deer are wearing Kevlar... but I'm sure that your NAZI storm troopers are.
- "What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms." - Thomas Jefferson to William Stephens Smith, son-in-law of John Adams, 1787
- "I ask who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers." - George Mason, Address to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 4, 1788
- "Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed, as they are in almost every country in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops." - Noah Webster, 1787
- "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country." - James Madison, 1789
The New 'Ghost Gun Ban'
The ATF has released a 364 page set of revised firearm regulations intended to 'ban' so called ghost guns and inconvenience legitimate owners of semi-automatic firearms.
Ghost Guns
The term 'Ghost Gun' is used to refer to a Privately Made Firearm (PMF)... a firearm produced by a private citizen and, therefore, not known to the ATF. It is completely legal, but is a great inconvenience to government efforts to eventually confiscate weapons.
The new regulations are mostly theater since they do not actually ban private citizens from manufacturing their own weapons. The new regulations reclassify many of the current '80%' components as firearms and require FFLs (i.e. gun shops and gunsmiths) to apply a serial number to any PMF that comes into their possession.
The theory is that it will make it easier for Law Enforcement to trace the origin of a gun utilized in a crime. The problem with this theory is that most guns recovered from crimes are either stolen (and can't be traced to the criminal) or have had the serial number filed off (and can't be traced at all).
I actually have no particular objection to serializing firearms... but calling this a 'BAN' is pure theater and it is ineffective in any case.
As 3D printing technology advances we will see a proliferation of PMFs. It is far beyond the government's control. We should be prosecuting violent criminals rather than criminalizing plastic.
This video explains the new regs better than I can.