A couple of weeks ago I wrote about how Uncle Joe Biden is doubling the size of the IRS AND arming them. If we don't put a halt to this new Democrat Gestapo there will soon be more heavily armed accountants than Border Patrol agents. This is no laughing matter... but the attached video of IRS Agents training to use deadly force is simply embarrassing. The 'portly' fellow holding his weapon with his thumbs wrapped over the slide and then wandering off aimlessly is especially entertaining. These are the kinds of morons who break down the door of the wrong house and shoot the family dog. Click the pic... OMG. |
Agents... We Need More Agents
Get The Lead Out With an impending global food crisis a lot of people are starting or expanding home gardens so they can have more control over their food supply. For example, the price of eggs has jumped 47% in a single year. finance.yahoo.com/news/eggs-prices-us-jump-47-001717350.html Progressives hate the thought of anyone having any independence so they've invented a brand new boogeyman to keep you under control. LEAD POISONING from home gardens. A recent study has shown that backyard chickens (and their eggs) contained 30X as much lead as store-bought eggs. VERY SCARY. However, as a matter of full disclosure, the study was done in Australia and focused on properties that were contaminated with lead from proximity to lead mines or that had lead paint or lead pipes (does anyone still have lead pipes?). It seems that science has proven that testing areas known to be contaminated with lead discovers those areas are contaminated with lead. The advice from the Rational Prepper says Don't buy property next to a toxic mining operation, or a toxic waste dump or an Australian city. You're Welcome! Enjoy your veggies and eggs! Senate Democrats have pushed through the $700B Inflation Acceleration Act which will throw more fuel on the inflationary fire. There is a LOT of crap in this Bill, (including Billions for the Climate Hoax) but the most disturbing aspect is the enormous expansion of the IRS. The Bill includes over $80 Billion for IRS expansion (SIX times its current annual budget). It will hire 87,000 additional agents which will roughly DOUBLE the size of the agency. (Click the Pic) To put that in perspective, the FBI has about 35,000 employees and Border Patrol has about 21,000 agents. It should be obvious that Uncle Joe is far more interested in going after Americans than protecting them. MORE AGENTS!! To make matters worse, the agency is stockpiling weapons and ammunition. The Forbes report (linked above) and numerous other sources indicate that the agency has over 4,500 guns and more than 5 Million rounds of ammo, and is continuing to buy more. I recall when the only 'weapon' an IRS agent needed was a calculator. The Democrats have just unilaterally created a new Gestapo. Recap 2 In the first segment I outlined how Progressive / Globalist governments are intentionally working to end private property. In the second segment I described how Democrat-run cities here in the US are abandoning enforcement of property law and allowing vagrants and criminals to destroy people's homes and small businesses. In this segment I'd like to outline how Progressive governments at all levels are using Executive Orders and Regulations to destroy family farms. Nitrogen Is Now Bad The latest volley from the Globalists is to restrict the use of synthetic fertilizer and/or to restrict/tax livestock to reduce Nitrogen emissions. This is quite strange since Nitrogen makes up about 78% of our atmosphere. Recall that Sri Lanka, which is now in a state of chaos, banned synthetic fertilizer last year resulting in massive food shortages this year. (about 40% of the world's food supply depends on synthetic fertilizer). Other Globalist governments have ignored the Sri Lanka 'canary in the coal mine' and are proceeding with various bans and regulations of their own. About a month ago, farmers in the Netherlands revolted in mass protests against new government regulations that will drive them out of bushiness. However, The Netherlands is not alone... many governments, infiltrated by the WEF, are enacting similar regulations in spite of impending global food shortages. Farmers in Spain, Italy and Poland have also initiated mass protests. euroweeklynews.com/2022/07/15/watch-farmers-in-spain-join-italy-poland-and-netherlands-in-mass-european-protests/ Within the past few days Irish farmers have begun to push back against Green Party demands that the farmers cut emissions by 30%. www.irishexaminer.com/news/politics/arid-40924589.html Even worse are the recent, unilateral moves by the Trudeau government to reduce synthetic fertilizer by 30% (similar to the demands of the Irish 'Greens'). Click the Pic for details. Strategy Of Evil Please note that the Socialists (and Democrat Party) are NOT trying to directly seize farms. The farmers would surely rise up. Their strategy is far more insidious... they will use bogus regulations to force farmers into bankruptcy so billionaires, the Chinese and well-connected corporations can scoop up the land at bargain prices. (Bill Gates has purchased about 270,000 acres of farmland across the US). www.westernjournal.com/exactly-much-farm-land-bill-gates-individual-america/ These corrupt governments are orchestrating a double whammy against humanity. They are intentionally destroying family farms AND, simultaneously creating a global food shortage. ![]() Assault On Self Sufficiency
I hope it is clear that the Globalists (and the Democrat Party) have absolutely no interest in 'humanity'. If they gave a shit they would backpedal on the Climate Change hoax... or at least delay their BS to avoid widespread famine in 2023. No, they are so intent on destroying private property, self sufficiency and the rural middle-class that are willing to embrace famine and chaos. They are not incompetent... they are evil. The next segment will explore other mechanisms the Progressives are using to eliminate private property and return YOU to serfdom. Recap 1 II hope y'all will read these posts in chronological order. Otherwise, you might feel like you're watching Memento or some other film where time runs in reverse. I'm not gonna give y'all tattoos to keep track so you really should follow in order. In the first segment, I claimed that Democrat/Progressive governments are intentionally working to abolish private property and destroy middle-class prosperity. They are using many techniques to convince you to voluntarily give up. I mentioned several strategies. In this segment I'll talk about the decisions of urban Democrats to selectively abandon the rule of property law and destroy the value of middle-class private property in their jurisdictions. When they succeed, the city can seize the property for back taxes or Blackrock can buy your property for 10 cents on the dollar. A transfer of wealth from the middle-class to the elites. Rights vs Law Please recall, that all our rights must be defended/enforced by Law (i.e. force). As a civilized people, we voluntarily relinquish almost all power of enforcement to professional Law Enforcement whom we hire as our civil servants. We expect (and trust) our law enforcement professionals to respect the Constitution (which they pledge to uphold) and to be reasonably honest and unbiased. Property Law As I mentioned in the last report, you, as a private citizen, have very limited authority to defend your own property. Unless society completely collapses (not likely), you are compelled to rely on Law Enforcement to defend your property rights. When Progressive governments intentionally abandon their responsibility to enforce Property Law then thugs can steal, destroy or occupy anything and everything you have worked for. Law becomes meaningless and Law Enforcement becomes a joke. When the Police refuse to protect your property rights you might decide to take matters into your own hands. Trust me, the Progressive government that is 'unable' to protect your rights will send SWAT to arrest you for threatening criminals. They will prosecute you to the fullest and most extreme extent of the Laws that they choose to enforce. LittleRock If you've been following my posts you know that BlackRock has been buying up residential real estate using cheap money from the Fed. In my thoughts about how this all plays out, I'm 'inventing' a new company that I am naming LittleRock. This company will be buying up distressed property for pennies on the dollar. Maybe whole neighborhoods. Then LittleRock will send their heavily-armed, private security forces in to clear out the vagrants. The Soros DA's (who would have sent you to prison) will celebrate LittleRock for cleaning up a deteriorating neighborhood. Thousands of private homes will become LittleRock rentals. YAY. YAY. You may think I'm exaggerating, but examples are playing out right now in Progressive cities. Portland, OR is the canary in the coal mine. Please click the pic. It is happening right before our eyes. "You will own nothing and you will be happy" In Seattle, the situation has become so bad that residents are illegally installing one-ton eco-blocks in the streets to deter vagrants and squatters. Click the Pics for details. In the next segment I'll talk about how Progressives are using Executive Orders and Regulations to destroy private ownership and steal family farms. The Return of Serfdom The Globalists (and their Progressive cheerleaders) want to eliminate private property of all types. They want everything to be owned by the government or by billionaires (because billionaires are very enlightened and not at all greedy). Private Property = Prosperity Americans have a deeply ingrained belief in private property... a belief that freedom and self-determination are based on the right to own a farm, or a business, or a home. Private property empowers people to pursue their own ideas and dreams without begging for permission from the King or the State. You may have been told that this is universal... but America set the standard and fueled the dream. In England, for example, through the mid-1800's, only owners of real property had the right to vote (US law was similar). However, virtually all the real property in England (and Continental Europe) was already owned by the ruling elite. It was, essentially a 'Democracy of the Aristocracy' and only about 3% of the population qualified to vote. anglotopia.net/british-history/the-history-of-voting-rights-in-the-united-kingdom/ America was quite different. Anyone with courage and a pioneering spirit could leave the cities and establish themselves in rural America. Anyone could own a farm, or a ranch. They could open a blacksmith shop or a sawmill. They became property owners in vast numbers. How Do They Get All Your Stuff? I've been pondering this question for quite some time. 'Liberal Democracies' can't fight all of us, so they can't just seize our homes, cars and businesses. So the BIG question is "how do they convince us to give up voluntarily?" It should be clear that no single strategy will work. The Globalists are using multiple techniques to take your property and freedom. "You will own nothing. And you will be happy"
In the next few segments I'll discuss how the Globalists and The Democrats are using these techniques to deprive you of your rights and steal your prosperity. Rights Only Exist If Enforced While we expect that our Constitutional rights may be unalienable, in reality they must be defended and enforced. The Right To Life For example, you have a right to LIFE. However, if a thug with a butcher knife breaks down your door that 'right' won't protect you from the knife. Your right to keep on living must be defended. It may be defended by the State (i.e. the Police) but it will probably fall upon you to defend your loved ones from harm. Other Rights The right to LIFE is embodied in the Right of Self Defense... a right recognized by every human culture since ancient times. All other rights are on far less less secure grounds. You have no ethical or legal authority to use deadly force to protect your right of free speech or to protect your property. You must rely on the Police (a political organization) to prevent thugs from stealing your car, vandalizing your home or occupying your land. I'll discuss this in more detail in the next segment. Global inflation, self-inflicted scarcity and impending famine have pushed many countries to the brink of social unrest.
On the surface this seems to be a disaster for the Great Reset Globalists at the World Economic Forum (WEF) but it could be part of their plan. Although millions of people are waking up and rejecting Climate Hysteria, the WEF never really cared about the Climate. It has always been a boogeyman to scare people into compliance. It is likely that several key WEF henchmen will be pushed out of power. There is also the possibility they will be replaced by even worse globalist tyrants. Fear of Climate Change has been eclipsed by fear of inflation, energy shortages, unemployment and famine. For the WEF one boogeyman is just as good as another. And the people may be willing to accept even more authoritarian rulers. I believe The Great Reset and the New World Order may still be in play. There are honestly too many topics exploding to even keep up with.
I hope to catch up on some of these topics in the next week or two. Background In the wake of tragic mass shootings, politicians are again proposing endless ways to punish lawful gun owners while they ignore crime. And Joe is making political theater demanding a new Assault Weapon Ban as a talking point for the mid-terms. Let's keep in mind that FBI statistics show that roughly 350 people are killed each year with rifles (of any type). Modern Sporting Rifles (MSRs) aren't the problem... urban crime is the problem. According to an article from NPR, "One in every 1,000 Black men and boys between the ages of 15 and 34 was shot and killed that year, ... That's nearly 21 times the rate of their white counterparts." www.npr.org/2022/07/16/1111517804/gun-deaths-control-mass-shooting-laws Please note that I don't believe this is an issue of race. I believe this carnage is the direct result of Progressive policies in Democrat run cities. Progressive media tries to claim that the problem is just as great in rural America (where most people own guns) but that is Bullshit. Here are the actual FACTS from the CDC. And please note the record increase since Joe took office. (click the pic for details) Failed Policies and Distraction The current attempt to pass another unconstitutional AWB is just political pandering to distract you from the failures of Democrat policies and leadership. About 350 people are killed with rifles each year (which is tragic) but over 100,000 died of drug overdoses in 2021. It is also a FACT that Fentanyl deaths have doubled since Joe took office and opened the southern border. Don't take my word for it... read this article from CNN. www.cnn.com/2021/11/17/politics/fentanyl-overdose-deaths-what-matters/index.html Ironically, Joe is the greatest gun salesman since Obama. With increasing drug trafficking, and spiraling violent crime in our cities, gun sales continue to be robust. There are millions of new lawful gun owners. Women Take the Lead According to a recent Harvard study, women are buying guns in ever increasing numbers and make up 42% of new gun owners. In fact, women are the fastest growing demographic among gun owners. Roughly 3.5 Million women have become new gun owners over the the past 5 years, most within the past 2 years. According to US Census data there are approximately 127 million adult women in America... so about 2.7% of ALL adult women have become new gun owners in the past 5 years. www.statista.com/statistics/241488/population-of-the-us-by-sex-and-age/ One quarter of the women surveyed indicated that self-defense was their main reason for acquiring a firearm. Note that I never recommend or advocate that anyone should become a new gun owner. The 2nd Amendment is a RIGHT, but it also comes with great responsibility for safety. Fortunately, it seems that many women take the responsibility seriously and are taking gun safety classes and/or joining women gun organizations in great numbers. As we all know, Joe fell off his bike last week. Fortunately he wasn't injured. We also know that Dems have spent years (and millions of hours of media air time) demonizing evil semi-automatic 'weapons of war'. I know these are unrelated subjects but it got me thinking... what is a greater threat to life and safety? Are evil semi-automatic rifles more deadly than bicycles? I like FACTS, so here they are: According to the National Safety Council (click the pic) there were 1260 bicycle related deaths in 2020. There were also over 425,000 serious injuries that required Emergency Room treatment. According to the FBI, there were a total of 364 people killed with rifles (of all types) in 2019. In other words, you are almost 4 times more likely to die from a bicycle than a rifle. If the Democrats were really concerned about your safety they would be passing legislation to take deadly 'assault bicycles' off our streets.... for the children. You don't have to wait for Congress to act on the deadly bicycle menace. Do Your Part!... Trade your bike for an AR-15. ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-8.xls Some signs that the tide may be turning. Mayra Flores The Texas 34th District held a special election to replace Dem Filemon Vela, who resigned. The region has long been a bastion of Democrat rule... It was the site of the last battle of Democrat Confederates against the Union in the Civil War and has been held by the Democrat Party since 1870, www.historynet.com/battle-of-palmetto-ranch-american-civil-wars-final-battle/ Mayra won the largely Hispanic district by a 12% lead over Dem Dan Sanchez. Mayra is not only the first republican to win the district in 150 years, she is also the first Mexican-born woman to be elected to Congress (she is a legal immigrant who came here as a child). AND, she is also the first Republican that Elon Musk has ever voted for. CNN hates her (click the pic). Since this was a special election, Mayra will have to run for re-election in November. The Dems openly brag about gerrymandering the district to make it more friendly to the Democrat Party. I quote: "she will be up for election for a full term in November against Democratic Rep. Vicente Gonzalez, who is shifting from the 15th Congressional District. The redrawn 34th District is considerably friendlier to Democrats" Let's hope that Elon continues his considerable support. You can contribute here: www.mayrafloresforcongress.com/about-mayra/ Chesa Boudin Recall In the midst of spiraling crime, San Francisco voters have ousted Chesa Boudin, the soft-on-crime DA, in the middle of his first term. The Guardian views Mr. Boudin as a champion of criminal justice reform... but it seems that the citizens don't agree. www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jun/08/chesa-boudin-san-francisco-recall-analysis As an aside, Boudin is one of many Progressive DAs financed by George Soros. The list includes:
Tom Rice Five-term incumbent, Tom Rice, was thrashed in his primary bid for re-election by Russell Fry, a state legislator. Progressives are wailing about the Red Wave coming in November. news.yahoo.com/tom-rice-south-carolina-ousts-035937178.html |
December 2024