In the past, I've written about genuine environmental issues that are being ignored to 'Save The Climate'. One of the most urgent issues is a genuine shortage of fresh water in many areas due to relentless population growth.
The current drought in California (and other Western states) is the worst in 100 years. Hydroelectric plants have been shut down due to extremely low water levels. Water conservation measures have been issued in Southern California.
“We don’t have enough water supplies right now to meet normal demand. The water is not there,” MWD spokeswoman Rebecca Kimitch said. “This is unprecedented territory. We’ve never done anything like this before.”
Running Out of Water
The so called 'Climate Scientists' are claiming this is the worst drought EVER. Yes, this drought is BAD, but the Native Americans didn't have rain gauges or keep any records so comparisons are just propaganda.
The Climate Hysterians will then say 'This is the first time in HISTORY that the level in Lake Meade has dropped below the Level 1 Pumping Station". This is a true statement. But they are dishonest... the Hoover Dam wasn't built until 1935 and didn't reach capacity until the Dust Bowl drought was over.
So, this is the worst drought in the 85 year history of the Hoover Dam, but all honest scientists know that the last Great Drought started more than a decade before the dam was built.
The Dust Bowl
The Great Drought began in the late 1920's and continued until around 1941. It lasted for at least 11 years and is regarded as the 'drought of record' for the United States.
Dust storms destroyed entire towns.
Population Increase
When we talk about shortages or scarcity we must consider both supply and demand. There is, indeed, an extreme water shortage in the Southwest. But I see no evidence that it's due to 'Climate Change'.
The population of California was about 5.7 million in 1930's (when the Hoover Dam was built) and it is almost 40 million today. The population increases in Arizona and Nevada are even more dramatic.
- Arizona 435,573 -- 7,151,391
- Nevada 91,058 -- 3,104,614
Overall, the population of the region increased by about 800%. The demand/consumption of water has increased even more. However, Mother Nature is not a capitalist and has made no effort to increase the supply of rain.
Without any increase in supply, a water crisis was inevitable and it has now arrived.
Capitalism does have a solution to this inevitable supply problem... it is called desalinization.
In related news, while CA is in the worst drought of modern times, the California Coastal Commission has again rejected plans to build a seawater desalinization plant that would provide about 50 Million gallons of fresh water per day.
The Poseidon Water project, which would convert seawater to drinkable water, was first proposed in the early 2000’s. It has been opposed by 'environmentalists' and has been the subject of seven lawsuits and dozens of local efforts to stop the plant since 2005.
Poseidon has spent $100 Million over the past two decades attempting to get approval for a project that would provide desperately needed fresh water.
I'm waiting for the dire reports of wildfires and rolling power blackouts this summer. The dishonest media will blame it on Climate Change, but it is just another self-inflicted California Crisis.