The Globalists want you to be terrified of Scary Scarcity. Global shortages of this, that and whatever continue. Some are due to natural causes but all shall be blamed on Climate Change and evil white capitalism.
India has restricted exports of non-Basmati rice again this year which has caused massive panic buying in America. But, please keep in mind the panic buying is among Indian and Pakastani customers who are afraid that they will no longer be able to purchase their favorite imported brands.
Observing this irrational, panic behavior saddens me. I honestly don't understand how intelligent, well-educated people can go insane scrambling over rice (here in America) when there is no actual shortage. I understand that people have a preference for their home-town variety or brand... BUT there are so many excellent alternatives. Storming the gates, like third-world, famine-starved Ethiopians is so disappointing.
There is NO SHORTAGE of rice in America so DON'T PANIC.