In a capitalist society, scarcity is (at least partially) reflected in the cost. As prices for a particular product increase, smart people develop alternatives and consumers learn and adopt ways to conserve.
Fossil Fuel
As fossil fuel reserves are consumed prices will increase and alternative energy sources become more competitive. In the previous post we saw that fearmongers are predicting the end of oil in about 47 years. Well, that is sufficient time for the orderly development of alternatives.
Keep in mind that oil is just one form of fossil fuel. Natural gas is cleaner and more abundant. Proven reserves of natural gas will last 52 years at current consumption.
More importantly, the proven reserves have been steadily increasing, in spite of greater consumption as the world transitions from coal to natural gas.
Fresh Water
Fresh water is a concern in many locations, but it's definitely not going to disappear in 17 years (or ever).
To be specific, there are many areas where agriculture relies on drawing water from ancient underground aquifers. Throughout the world, these aquifers are being drained much faster than they are naturally replenished.
The following map shows areas (in red or orange) where water is being depleted, while the areas in blue have a rainwater surplus. This is a genuine problem that our governments should be focused on rather than squandering vast resources on The Green New Deal.
In Conclusion
Yes, there are many things that are scarce or expensive. And there are some resources that will eventually be depleted. Humans are smart and adaptable and we WILL develop alternatives and create solutions. We do not need Progressive Elites to run our lives.