The State of The Onion
I don't plan to comment on the speech itself... Only on the hypocritical comments of others.
Fun With Nukes
Since Mr. Putin is threatening the world with nuclear destruction it might be time to try out NukeMap. A handy and fun website that let's you drop a nuke anywhere you want and see the results. YAY!
I'm going to drop a 300kt surface burst on Portland to see if any Antifa folks survive. Click the Pic to try your own! (Be patient, it seems that thousands of people are using the site).
The Cats of War
To express their solidarity with Ukraine the International Feline Federation (FIFe) is enacting sanctions against... Russian Cats.
Henceforth, the furry felines of Russia will not be allowed to participate in kitty completions. Instead, they will be forced to stretch out in the sun, chase chipmunks or do whatever it is that cats do.
Please note that cats who identify as dogs will still be allowed to compete in the Olympic Tail Wagging competitions.
We've Always Been At War With Eurasia
In George Orwell's dystopian "1984" the Ministry of Truth is constantly rewriting the past to control the present. Yesterday's lies are relentlessly replaced with today's. And the sheep believe.
- It's really amazing that he foretold this back in the days when things were printed on paper... today we have Wikipedia which changes by the minute.
Well, my friends, The Democrats have always been on the side of the police. In his SOTU, Joe Biden just said so. “We should all agree the answer is not to defund the police is to fund the police, Fund them. Fund them. Fund them"
Wait a second... aren't these leading Democrats from just a year ago?? NO!! It must be fake! They've always been at war with arson, looting and crime (or maybe just Eurasia).
In addition, while True Blue District Attorneys refuse to enforce existing gun control laws, Big Brother continued on his Law-And-Order proclamation and called upon "Congress to pass proven measures to reduce gun violence. Why should anyone on a terrorist list be able to purchase a weapon? Ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.”
Dear Joe (I mean Beloved Big Brother) while I do NOT own any assault weapons I feel it is my duty to tell you that terrorists can't purchase weapons... Except in Blue Cities run by Democrats where illegal drugs and illegal guns are rampant. Perhaps y'all should enforce the laws you already have and stop blaming me for your screw-ups. |