Historically, the first step toward socialistic tyranny is to create division and hatred among your own people. Billionaires and bureaucrats aren’t credible so they need to elevate a group of Elites to champion their cause. Democrat “Intellectuals” have been working to demonize working people in general and conservatives in particular for more than a generation.
As an example, The New Urban Crisis is a book I read a couple of years ago by Richard Florida, a real gem of a progressive ‘scholar’. I have to make a couple of points from this book to set the stage for future reports.
Mr. Florida correctly acknowledges that the cities were miserable (for most people) in the 50’s – 70’s. But he blames it on ‘white flight’ to the suburbs, which is totally backwards from actual, historical cause and effect. The cities did not became dung-heaps because of flight to the suburbs. People left for the suburbs because cities were already crowded, miserable and de-humanizing.
Sorry Mr. Florida but you lost all credibility in the first 50 pages.
The second (and more important) aspect of his Progressive philosophy is the Liberal division of humanity into three social classes. I’m not making this up. His previous book was titled “The Rise of the Creative Class” and it is something right out of Brave New World. His philosophy would make Hitler, Stalin and Mao Zedong proud.
The three classes are… drum roll please…
- The Creative Class – these are the Brave-New-World Alphas. The urban elite who are the pinnacle of humanity and do everything amazing and worthwhile. They are utterly deserving of a vibrant urban life. Artists, musicians, actors, fashion designers, celebrities, billionaires (by whatever means), some scientists/engineers and, of course, scholarly thinkers like Mr. Florida himself.
- The Servant Class – There are two categories of Brave-New-World Betas.
- Beta-A - Those who work under the direction of the Creatives to accomplish Creative brilliance (like coordinators, engineers, highly trained technical workers, administrators and bureaucrats). They get to dress well, live in a decent compartment and may even get to socialize with the Elites (if they are attractive enough).
- Beta-B - Those who sustain the vibrant urban environment the Creatives so rightly deserve (like chefs, waiters, police, and Uber drivers). They are necessary but don’t get to socialize with the Creatives.
- The Working Class - These are the Deltas and Epsilons. Those who live in the rural fly-over states or have the most menial jobs in the vibrant cities. We are the drones who produce everything. We must be grateful and appreciative because we would have no meaningful existence at all if it weren’t for the amazing urban Creatives. Producing mere things (like food, houses, furniture, clothing, cars) doesn’t require any intelligence. You see, we would have no purpose or meaning in our sad little lives if it weren’t for Ellen DeGeneres, Elton John and Richard Florida. We might not exist at all if it were not for the Creatives in the Emerald City.
Elitism Breeds Contempt
You may think Mr. Florida’s view is just extreme or isolated academic BS but it is at the very cornerstone of current liberal righteousness. In the following link, David Brooks of the NY Times (a bastion of unbiased truth) confirms the rise of a Progressive aristocracy when he states “A lot of people in the expert class live in blue cities who are thriving, and a lot of people left behind in the rural parts of America, they feel threatened economically, culturally, socially and they have no contact with the expert class.” He goes on to say “those of us in the expert class – journalism and academia – have to do a better job…” https://twitter.com/i/status/1336461885324091393 I guess we must add journalists to the enlightened Creative/Expert Class.
Well, Mr. Brooks, I’m somewhat educated, I actually know how to read (on a wide variety of subjects), I understand a bit of math and I occasionally think for myself.
- I do NOT feel threatened or deprived by a lack of contact with “experts” like you.
- I do NOT need more contact with you or other enlightened members of your arrogant Expert Class.
- I do NOT need more direction from Mr. Florida’s amazing Creatives.
- I do NOT need your ANTIFA thugs telling me what I’m allowed to think or what I should do.
Friends, let me remind you that this is not an isolated view. In 2016 Michael Bloomberg stated “I could teach anybody, even people in this room, no offense intended, to be a farmer, It's a process. You dig a hole, you put a seed in, you put dirt on top, add water, up comes the corn.” He equally insulted factory workers and people in trades… And he said this while he was campaigning for the Presidency.
On Dangerous Ground
Recall… Billionaires, Dictators, Monarchs and Bureaucrats are not credible to the masses. How can they expand their power and control??
When the “Elites” become convinced they are intellectually and morally superior to everyone else it becomes their righteous cause to rage against any perceived injustice (no matter how successful or beneficial society may be). If you wonder why progressives seem so smug and intolerant… understand that they believe they are entitled.
The Elites (who truly believe they are righteous Crusaders) will then convince one (or more) group/class that they are victims of some other contemptible group/class. From there, it is a small step to rationalize retribution and hatred against those who have been identified as GREEDY-STUPID-EVIL.
This was straightforward for the Marxists, the Hitler NAZIs and Mao. In each case, the intellectuals could convince a majority that they were being oppressed by a minority. With strength of numbers retribution (and a transfer of power to the puppet-masters) was rapid and violent. Millions were slaughtered.
A Nation of Victims
It has not be so straightforward in the United States. We have a very large middle-class and it is very difficult to convince prosperous people that they are victims. It has taken decades to desecrate our history, to splinter society into innumerable classes of victims and to even convince members of the middle-class that they are among the oppressors.
I contend that the United States has become a Nation of Victims (tradeMark). I contend that globalists, socialists and Democrats have exploited every perception of inequity to divide us and sow animosity.
- Racial Inequity – Demonizing whites with claims of White Privilege
- LGBTQ2A – Demonizing heterosexuals and nuclear families
- Climate Refugees – (aka Illegal Aliens)
- Young vs Old
- And many more
Most recently, the President himself is using COVID hysteria to pit whites against whites: “We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin,” Biden said. He went on, “For the vast majority of you who’ve gotten vaccinated, I understand your anger at those who haven’t gotten vaccinated.”
We are at a point where the elite Progressive Urban Socialists (PUSs) feel justified in restricting the rights of free speech if you disagree, restricting your rights to travel or assemble if you don’t follow their enlightened guidelines, restricting your access to healthcare because you deserve to die and suggesting re-education or confinement for the deplorables.
I do not accept that they are intellectually or morally superior.
- I believe in free speech.
- I believe in freedom of travel and assembly.
- I believe that my body (and mind) belong to me and not to the state.
- I believe in the 2nd Amendment and that the right of force stems from the individual like every other right.
- I believe that I worked very hard for what I achieved and I reject “White Privilege”… though I do believe in “American Privilege”.
I understand that I am a deplorable.
The Great Reset
I have never been one to embrace conspiracy theories. Sure, there are conspiracies… lots and lots of competing conspiracies. But I have never believed there is one to rule them all. Until the Great Reset came out and publicly stated their goals to destroy capitalism and usher in a socialist utopia where you will own nothing and be happy about it.
I'll write more about this in the next post.